I hope everyone in Occupy Royal Oak will at least sign the petition to ban fracking in Michigan. Better yet, circulate the petition and get dozens or hundreds of signatures. The intent of this petition is to make banning fracking a ballot issue for the November general election. You can find details at http://www.letsbanfracking.org/. You can also find a coordinator for other regions of the state on the "volunteer" page of the website.
I believe getting the 300,000+ signatures required to put it on the ballot by July 9 is a long shot, but I think the effort will be worthwhile even if the numbers fall short. Gathering signatures is at a minimum a great way to talk to people about the issue and possibly get them more involved. And who knows - we may manage to put the issue on the ballot. If we do, I believe we can ban fracking here, just like they did in Vermont.
I'm a local coordinator for the petition drive. If you are willing to circulate the petition and live anywhere near Royal Oak, I'll be happy to get petitions to you. E-mail me (almyatt@yahoo.com), or call my cell (248-224-0623) or land line (248-548-6175). If you live closer to another coordinator, contact them.
Art Myatt
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