Tom Weisskopf recently gave a presentation to Occupy Detroit on the subject of "THE SOURCES OF THE ECONOMIC CRISIS AND WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE." You can read the outline at His comparison of today's Great Recession to the Great Depression of the 1930's is good, but he ignores the ways in which this economic crisis is fundamentally different. This is not the Great Depression 2.0.
There's nothing wrong with the policies that Weisskopf recommends. That is, they are not bad policies. However, while they brought prosperity after the Great Depression, they are not adequate for the purpose now. The resources to support another such conventional expansion of the economy no longer exist. Many of those resources have been burnt up, paved over, fished out, mined out, made extinct or turned into either literal desert or subdivisions, which some see as another type of desert.
In a very short term, these policies can produce growth and jobs. They will not again produce decades of prosperity. The foundations for that sort of prosperity are gone. Our industrial economy is dangerously dependent on sources of energy which are not reliable. Reviving or even simply continuing this energy-intensive economy increases problems of environmental degradation which are already making wilderness extinct and otherwise setting us up for crisis after crisis - floods, drought, famine and ultimately collapse. We will have to work out our own path through today's conditions, even if those conditions dictate abandoning the path of restoring economic growth.
The difference between then and now is in the environment in which the economy operates. At the time of the Great Depression, there were a little over 2 billion people on earth. The economy had plenty of room to grow in a conventional sense - simply, making and consuming more of everything. Today, there are a little over 7 billion people living on food from the same amount of arable land - or less once we subtract the acreage that has been paved over, flooded, or turned into desert.
Food that feeds the 7 billion now depends on fertilizers made from fossil fuel, processing and distribution powered by fossil fuel, and frequently irrigation driven by fossil fuel. The approximate result is that we burn 10 calories worth of fossil fuel to produce every calorie of food. That's wildly different from the food system in place during the Great Depression.
To see how different it is, look at these figures, taken from
Total population: 122,775,046; farm population: 30,455,350; farmers 21% of labor force; Number of farms: 6,295,000; average acres: 157; irrigated acres: 14,633,252
Today, from the World Factbook:
Total population: 313,847,465 (July 2012 est.); labor force by occupation: farming, forestry, and fishing: 0.7%;
and from the Department of Agriculture:
There are ~ 2.1 million farms in the U.S. In 1997, the largest 46,000 accounted for 50% of sales of agricultural products. In 1997 there were about 55 million irrigated crop acres in the U.S.
In 1972, "The Limits to Growth" (LTG) showed that depletion of resources would cause the global economy to grow more slowly, then to stop growing altogether, and thereafter to decline. Most conventional economists imagine that the ideas of LTG have been refuted. Forty years later, the real world economy is tracking fairly closely with the LTG "business as usual" scenario, and we are forty years closer to the predicted decline. Perhaps reality is refuting the conventional idea that economic growth is always possible.
With the advent of peak oil, reality certainly is refuting the cornucopians of conventional economics. While economists were arguing that peak oil could not possibly be true, global production of conventional oil peaked in 2006, and has been declining since.
Peak oil is not about running out of oil. It never was about that. Peak oil is not about whether expensive substitutes can be produced from bitumen (tar sands), biomass (mostly corn ethanol) or kerogen (oil shale). Of course, substitutes can be produced. But why would we need substitutes, except that conventional oil wells are depleting? Peak oil is about the peak production of conventional oil, and that peak happened in 2006 - which has a lot to do with the stubbornly high price for oil in the last decade.
Peak oil does not mean permanently rising oil prices, nor even permanently high oil prices. Prices are set by a dynamic between supply and demand. There is some price so high it will destroy the fossil fuel economy entirely. As that price is approached, instead of demand continuing regardless, some demand is destroyed, and the price of oil drops. In 2007 and 2008, neither the breaking bubble in real estate not the high price of oil was entirely responsible for the onset of the Great Recession. The oil and real estate markets are linked, and they worked together to cause the crisis.
There is also some price for oil so low that producers can't make money pumping oil out of the ground. That low price has not been reached yet, but with a further economic collapse of great severity, it could be.
Increasing depletion of resources - oil and many other resources as well - explains a declining global economy much better than purely economic observations such as increasing inequality and concentration of power. It is an explanation that conventional economists just do not see. If they could see it, then they could see a situation that can't be changed by adjusting taxes, interest rates and income distributions.
In short, conventional economists - Greenspan, Bernanke and the like in America and Europe - led us straight into today's economic crisis, denying every step of the way that such a crisis was to be expected. They, along with conventional politicians who rely on them for advice, have evidenced no ability to lead us out of the crisis. Neither major political party has a coherent reason for why the crisis occurred, or why it has not been fixed. They do have a mass of contradictory ideas, amounting to shifting the blame away from themselves even when they were the people in charge at the time.
Our ideas on the subject have to be better than those of conventional economists and partisan politicians, or we also will fail to understand the crisis. We will fail to see how the policies that led to it cannot fix it.
Herman Daily has published an excellent introduction to fundamental reasons for the failure of economists and political leaders. In, Daly begins:
"In yesteryear’s empty world capital was the limiting factor in economic growth. But we now live in a full world.
Consider: What limits the annual fish catch — fishing boats (capital) or remaining fish in the sea (natural resources)? Clearly the latter. What limits barrels of crude oil extracted — drilling rigs and pumps (capital), or remaining accessible deposits of petroleum — or capacity of the atmosphere to absorb the CO2 from burning petroleum (both natural resources)? What limits production of cut timber — number of chain saws and lumber mills, or standing forests and their rate of growth? What limits irrigated agriculture — pumps and sprinklers, or aquifer recharge rates and river flow volumes? That should be enough to at least suggest that we live in a natural resource-constrained world, not a capital-constrained world."
[end excerpt from 'What is the limiting factor?']
Now, it may be that Daly's model of a "steady-state economy" is no more realistic than the conventional economists' model of a perfect "free-market economy." The economy of the real world is both dynamic and imperfect, neither steady nor free. It is subject to history, politics and the inadequate knowledge of managers. None the less, Daly's identification of the basic flaws in how conventional economists think the world should work is clear and accurate. It is the sort of thing we all should know, in order to inoculate ourselves against catching these seriously mistaken ideas, especially during another campaign season.
Daly's article is worth reading seriously, and the subject is one we all should discuss and study. Our political and economic leadership, Democratic and Republican, has been leading us from one failure to another. We need to replace them with people who have a better comprehension of the world and a better ability to provide for the general welfare in order to get a different result.
In today's conditions, a goal of reviving the economy which has already done so much to deplete the earth's resources and to degrade the environment makes no sense. We need instead a goal of creating a sustainable economy.
In the course of creating a sustainable economy, the fossil fuel economy will have to shrink - and fossil fuels supply about 85% of the energy our industrial economy produces and consumes. It follows that 85% of our economy will have to shrink instead of grow.
The financing system of creating debt owned by banks both central and private will have to give way to a more cooperative way of allocating resources both natural and human. The wars for oil and empire which waste so much of our capital and which lay waste to so much of the earth will need to be abandoned in favor of simple defense. Attacking preemptively any person or institution suspected of planning resistance needs to be abandoned on both moral and practical grounds.
Bringing back prosperity through economic growth is not a long-term possibility. It can appear to work in the short term, but that's all it can do. Stimulating economic growth, when economic growth has already done so much to destroy the environment, is the wrong thing to do. It's like prescribing a nap or an energy bar for a kid who is tired, when he needs to be diagnosed with leukemia. He may feel better in an hour or two, but the real problem will not be fixed.
Obama wants us to have an energy bar. Romney would prefer if we just took a nap. Both are treating us like children, and failing to understand or address the real issues. The two-party system does not provide political leadership. It provides an imitation of democracy that is supposed to make us unable to see the systematic failure of our elected leaders to provide for the general welfare.
Conserving resources and learning how to lead simpler and more local lives is possible. Reworking our sprawling cities into walkable neighborhoods where cars are not needed is possible. Reclaiming agricultural land nearly wrecked by continuous applications of fertilizer, insecticide and herbicide is possible. Building a society that values labor and provides work for all is possible.
We can't even begin to work on these possibilities while our efforts are directed toward reviving the old energy-intensive economy. Depletion of resources makes that a path straight toward a cliff. We have to stop heading for the cliff before we can hope to find a way around it.
Art Myatt
ReplyDeleteA great artcle as usual.
I think the biggest hurdle we are facing is how to connect and reach a majority of people who would like to "take a nap" since their lives are so hard already. It is a truly tragedy but reality.
However, this is not a good reason to stop what we are doing and you are doing, because the change has to come.
Kimmie Shuck